

Team building with Mindconnexion is a journey of discovery into the talents (+/-) in the team and their mutual dynamic. The results are connected to the goals of the team in relation to effectiveness and collaboration. This way step by step a "circle of understanding" is built as for guide for desired changes.

The following team roles are explored 

The Goal Oriented Plan-designer                    The Knowledge Oriented Initiator
The People Oriented Plan-designer                 The People Oriented Initiator
The Practical Oriented Plan-designer              The Practical Oriented Initiator

The Knowledge Oriented Teamplayer             The Knowledge Oriented Accomplisher
The Goal Oriented Teamplayer                        The Goal Oriented Accomplisher
The Practical Oriented Teamplayer                  The People Oriented Accomplisher

The following abilities are explored 


This exploration to the inner world of the team is guided by Marcel Dekker (creator and developer of mindconnexion and author of the book Goozze, a colorful expedition in yourself). Team building with mindconnexion is intuitive and logical, playful and confronting. Tablets and smartphones are used for making the scan; language, visuals, experience and form make the results to a lasting experience. 

Mindconnexion is successfully used for teams from Advier, OGP, ABN/AMRO, Lentiz, Matchandmore and National Police.

Contact us for more information.
